Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Bad movie ideas and hurt feelings...

(8:03:06 AM) David Klotz: thinkin of making a movie called Death Funeral
(8:03:20 AM) Aaron Wagner: Market it as Death Race II
(8:03:35 AM) Aaron Wagner: or Snakes on a Boat
(8:04:07 AM) David Klotz: where a mysterious character dies, and in his/her last will, he/she already has the list of people they wanted to be invited to the funeral. Here's the twist...
(8:04:44 AM) David Klotz: most of the people invited are people who either made life harder or were down right terrible to the deceased their whole life
(8:05:23 AM) David Klotz: before death, they signed a pact with the devil to be able to terrorize and make their enemies pay in blood for all the horrible things they did to them
(8:05:35 AM) David Klotz: from there it is just a ridiculous blood bath
(8:05:51 AM) David Klotz: typical shallow horror plotline with lots of blood
(8:06:46 AM) Aaron Wagner: dude... can I be honest with you?
(8:07:01 AM) Aaron Wagner: worst idea ever... it's like satan is licking my brain
(8:08:16 AM) Aaron Wagner: I think I actually think less of you now as a person having heard this from you
(8:09:44 AM) David Klotz: no, it's a great idea
(8:09:58 AM) Aaron Wagner: sadly, no...
(8:10:01 AM) David Klotz: yes
(8:10:11 AM) David Klotz: you just don't see the irony in it
(8:10:50 AM) Aaron Wagner: yeah yeah... I get it... the dead finally gets vengance on those who did them wrong... *yawn*
(8:14:53 AM) David Klotz: jesus
(8:15:00 AM) David Klotz: i don't know why i even talk to you
(8:15:13 AM) David Klotz: did you ever watch my seven minutes of horror that i linked you on?
(8:15:21 AM) David Klotz: from back in 2004
(8:15:31 AM) Aaron Wagner: naw man... no one did
(8:19:59 AM) Aaron Wagner: did I hurt your feelings?
(8:20:05 AM) Aaron Wagner: im sorry
(8:20:10 AM) Aaron Wagner: it's a GREAT idea
(8:20:13 AM) Aaron Wagner: one of your best
(8:20:18 AM) Aaron Wagner: i cant WAIT to see it
(8:34:49 AM) Aaron Wagner: you want me to get you a tampon? or are you a maxi-pad type of girl?
(8:41:04 AM) David Klotz: you're a dick
(8:41:11 AM) David Klotz: there, i said it
(8:41:14 AM) David Klotz: it needed to be said
(8:41:26 AM) Aaron Wagner: damn... PMS'ing much?
(8:41:44 AM) David Klotz: it was apparent that if i let it go any longer without saying it, the internet might sink under the weight of your ego
(8:42:10 AM) David Klotz: jk
(8:42:12 AM) David Klotz: jokes
(8:43:02 AM) David Klotz: apparently somebody cannot handle a dose of their own meds
(8:43:37 AM) Aaron Wagner: yeah... you really burned me with your "you have a massive ego"... I think I am gonna go sit in the corner and cry now
(8:45:00 AM) David Klotz: awwww, don't do that
(8:45:30 AM) David Klotz: The View or Oprah or some other terrible show will be on later to cheer you up
(8:46:07 AM) Aaron Wagner: maybe you can call your wife and have some ben and jerry's and talk about your feelings
(8:49:53 AM) David Klotz: why don't i continue to berate you at no expense, it's much more fun than these 'feelings" you speak of
(8:56:51 AM) Aaron Wagner: this berating you speak of... is this the "ego" and "Oprah" comments? You can see how I would miss the "berating" because of the lameness of those comments, especially in light of the beating that you've taken... I mean I slammed your stupid movie idea, I called you a woman... I provoked you to the point of saying "I dont know why I even talk to you"... which, by the way, is something a woman would say.
(8:58:09 AM) David Klotz: i'm done

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